Friday 15 July 2011

Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup!

Hi everyone!
Sorry, I've been a bit busy last month but I hope to get back to posting a lot more now.  I thought I'd share some volunteer opportunities coming up for those who are interested in helping out the environment.

From September 17-25, 2011. Vancouver aquarium together with World Wild Fund (WWF) are hosting the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup. It is a great event and it runs throughout Canada. You can join a public clean up site at an area near you or you can take on the leadership role and organize a clean up yourself! All you have to do is register on their website .

If you are interested in getting  involved with the environment on a more consistent basis, WWF has a host of volunteer opportunities available on their website in the area near you. Check it out here . Some positions require you to be at least 18 but they do have some opportunities for students who are 16 and over.

Lastly, I'd like to share this cool website with you even though it has nothing to do with volunteering. WWF has a cool feature on their website where you can follow satellite-collared polar bears as they navigate the sea ice on the Hudson Bay. It is really quite amazing, check it out at .